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Historically, 大学校园一直是一个创新的空间,年轻一代可以把新的思想和想法付诸实践. However, 代际校园打破了这一传统,看到了一个新的时代, where young minds meet old, creating a new kind of learning experience. 这些校园不仅是为了增加教育...

By Sue Chadwick


November 30, 2016

Historically, 大学校园一直是一个创新的空间,年轻一代可以把新的思想和想法付诸实践. However, the Intergenerational Campus breaks from this tradition and sees a new era, where young minds meet old, creating a new kind of learning experience.

这些校园不仅旨在提高所有参与者的教育成就, but also to create a space to merge two generations in a residential capacity; intended to create mutually beneficial outcomes such as cultural exchange, enhanced social skills, 增加社会联系,改善心理和情感健康和福祉.

In their three year ‘New Cities Initiative’, 堪萨斯大学认为,理想的代际校园应该包含多种品质. 这些包括:通过计划的和自发的互动的共同基础, affordable and age appropriate housing, and opportunities for lifelong learning. 此外,该概念还融入了 Healthy New Communities, proposing that campuses include meeting spaces, walkable open areas, 自行车道以及互动的自然环境.

Considering that fewer seniors are vacating cities for greener pastures, 代际校园可能是一个重要的平台,可以激发新的、有价值的关系, 哪些因素会增加退休生活的刺激和充实. In addition to the sharing of opinions, ideas and cultural backgrounds, 校园允许发展这些新的关系,同时两个社区都可以在地理上与朋友和家人保持距离.

人们不禁注意到,这种类型的校园设计可以解决我们在现代城市中面临的各种社会学和经济问题. This prominently includes the need for sustainable housing 我们不断扩大的老一代和年轻人之间的鸿沟越来越大, new talent that lives within our universities, as well as loneliness more broadly. 例如:近年来的经济问题之一是年轻人越来越难获得 affordable housing. Seniors are staying in residence longer, 这意味着在市中心和周边郊区租房变得越来越贵. Sociologically speaking, 在过去的几十年里,家庭格局也发生了巨大的变化, 是什么影响了前辈和年轻前辈之间的关系. The nuclear family, 已经分散,孩子长大后不太可能有祖父母在场, or in a more diversified family setting (e.g. single parent household). 代际学习可能不是解决所有社会问题的灵丹妙药, but by combining educational, social, housing and economic strategies, 这种解决方案的好处似乎远远大于其各部分的总和.

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